PruvIT Technologies
Website Copywriting

PruvIT Technologies

Explore my collaborative work on where we amplified the unique story of an ag-tech innovator through impactful web copy.

This project was undertaken in collaboration with the dynamic team at The Magpie Group. PruvIT, an ag-tech innovator, presented a unique and exciting challenge - to effectively communicate their groundbreaking mission and technology through their website.

The project began with a deep dive into PruvIT’s core narrative. Their story isn’t just about technology; it’s about revolutionizing agricultural practices through innovation. Our goal was to make this narrative not only clear but also compelling to their digital audience. The core messaging process of The Magpie Group was pivotal in bringing this clarity and setting the stage for the web copy.

My role in this collaborative effort was focused on refining and optimizing the website copy. Drawing from my experience in web copywriting, I worked to ensure that every word on resonated with its intended audience. This involved not just presenting the facts, but weaving them into a narrative that speaks to the heart of what PruvIT is all about - innovation, sustainability, and a forward-thinking approach to agriculture.

The challenge was to maintain the technical accuracy needed by an ag-tech company while making the content engaging and accessible. By balancing these elements, we were able to create a website that not only informs but also inspires its visitors. The optimized copy played a significant role in maximizing the site’s impact, ensuring that PruvIT’s message not only reached but also resonated with a broader digital audience.

This project with PruvIT and Magpie Group was a testament to the power of collaborative creativity and strategic copywriting. It showcased how effective messaging and well-crafted web copy can elevate a brand’s digital presence, making complex, innovative ideas both understandable and engaging.

PruvIT has such a unique story to tell, and we were excited to be the ones to share it. Our core messaging process really brought clarity to this AG-tech innovator’s mission and provided the basis for the copy on the website. Kim’s experience in web copy and her fresh perspective was a big help as she optimized the copy and helped us maximize its impact for a digital audience.
Serra McSymytz - The Magpie Group

Are you looking to tell your brand’s unique story in a way that captivates and connects with your audience? Let’s chat about how we can make your website a compelling digital ambassador for your mission and vision. Book a free discover call today.

Website Copywriting


The new FNCCEC website is a project where I infused new missions and goals into the web copy, enriched by insights from Indigenous language specialists for inclusivity.

Hana Drdla
Website Copywriting

Hana Drdla

Explore my copywriting work on where we improved the messaging of this talented web designer to attract new clients through impactful web copy.